About us
The SAP team of IPR-Insights is a small, agile team giving competitively priced, express solutions and fast ROI on SAP license optimization projects. The company is independent of the vendor but embedded in an international alliance. Consultants are former SAP workers.
By using an own methodology proven by the market, our custom-tailored work packages giving the comfort to our customers to only deal with internal business processes, all the other parts of S/4 HANA transition managed by IPR-Insights SAP team. The team gives you the expertise, the tool, and if needed can help with hardware environment.
We give SOS solutions for SAP projects customers are not satisfied with
IPR-Insights is a 20-year-old, vendor independent company offering comprehensive solutions for Software Asset Management (SAM) needs of the enterprise and public sector. Having executed over 700 projects, IPR-Insights has become a key player of the CEE SAM market, providing customers with efficient and sustainable professional SAM solutions. Besides the dominant market presence in Hungary, IPR-Insights has a subsidiary in Poland and Romania, and provides worldwide SAM services for global enterprises.
Working in a complex field like SAM, involving the triangle of IT, legal and accounting, requires expertise that became an independent line of business. All consultants gained their experience at the vendor like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP and are recognized experts of their specific fields, and specialists in software licensing. Our license experts backed by the legal team also handle copyright and civil law issues related to license agreements, and offer advice on auditing and standardization of SAM processes, as well as assist in clarifying management responsibilities in connection with software usage.
The SAP team started its operation 5 years ago and have successfully executed over 45 SAP software portfolio management projects in various industries like Telecommunication, Banking, Manufacturing, Retail, Utility, etc. all over the world for companies like ELMŰ, KBC Group, Telenor or Carlsberg Group. All consultants are former SAP employees with 10+ years of experience in SAP licensing, contracting and technology as well as legal and procurement processes.
With our partner, VOQUZ GmbH we have had many similar projects in local and international environments with proven track record reaching a range of 10-56% potential savings on SAP license cost and put samQ for SAP Software Asset Management tool and processes in operation at global companies.